

What is bigger Egypt or Sudan?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is bigger Egypt or Sudan?
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Sudan is bigger

How many miles from Egypt to Sudan?

There are 965 miles from Egypt to Sudan. The best way to get from Egypt to Sudan is by plane.

Egypt is directly north of what country?

Egypt is directly north of Sudan

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Sudan is bigger than Saudi Arabia in area by around 14,000 sq miles.

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Egypt and Sudan. Sudan provided money and men.

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The Nile crosses Sudan and Egypt.

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If it is south Sudan then north Sudan but if it is north Sudan, It is Eygpt.

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no... Sudan is bigger

What is the main water source for Sudan and Egypt?

I believe the water source for Egypt and Sudan is the Nile River.

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Sudan is located in North East Africa, directly south of Egypt

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Sudan is south of Egypt.

Why did Turkey and Egypt fight Sudan?

Turkey and Egypt both wanted power over The Sudan and its people, The Sudanese.