

What is inheritance in oops?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Inheritance is a process of inheriting members and member functions of a particular class. This means one class can use the data members and functions of another similar class. This reduces efforts as similar data members or functions do not need to be declared again and again.

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15y ago

Inheritance is an object oriented feature supported by Java wherein the features of one Java class can be inherited/made available in another class. This creates a parent child relationship between these 2 classes. Class Inheritance in java mechanism is used to build new classes from existing classes. The inheritance relationship is transitive: if class x extends class y, then a class z, which extends class x, will also inherit from class y. Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and behavior from other classes. Example: public class Parent { private String name = "Rocky"; public String getName(){ return; } } public class Child extends Parent { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Name in Parent is: " + getName()); } } Here the getName() method is available only in the parent class but is directly used in the child class because the method is public and is directly accessible to the child class since it has extended the parent class.

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14y ago

C++ strongly supports the concept of reusability .

The mechanism of deriving a new class from an old one is called as inheritance(or derivation). The old one is called as the base class and the new one is called as the derived class or subclass.

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12y ago

Inheritance is a Object Oriented concept wherein one class can inherit/extend/reuse the features of its parent.

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Yes. It creates two types of relationships known as "IS-A" and "HAS-A"

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