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The African Rift Valley is on example of this process, and eventually, this part will be separated from Africa. Another example is Iceland, which is actively volcanic because of the arrival of primary magma on the surface, as the two plates spread apart.

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Creation of new crust is the end result of diverging plates.

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Q: What is caused by divergent plates pulling apart above sea level?
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Where and how an eatherquake occurs?

It result from the moving of rock deep under the ground. This movement is caused by the rubbing of one plate into another. The plates have jagged edges, and so when they rub against each other, they get stuck. Since plates constantly move, the plates that are stuck create great tension, and when they are finally free, a huge amount of energy is released. Shock waves move from focus in all directions, and it causes the earth to vibrate.

What event caused the changes described in the above passage?

The Meiji restoration resulted in the Japanese emperor gaining substantial power.

What is a basal drag?

It is a force that could be contributing or complementing mantle convectional currents in the movements of lithospheric or tectonic plates. This force is generated when there is friction between convectional currents and the lithospheric or tectonic plate that lies above.

Describe the method by which energy is transferred from earth's surface to the air above it?

Its because of convection. Which is caused by a solid liquid or gas as the temperature changes. Love: H.C.S:)

How do scientists identify tectonical active regions?

Scientists use sonar images to watch how the tectonic plates move and spread to create faults or collide to create mountains and volcanoes. The tectonic plates are large pieces of the crust floating on the mantle that push and pull against each other. The more these plates move the more landforms are created, whether underneath or above water. Using the images they see how often the plates move to create these land features and use this to see how active they are. I'm sorry if any of this information ended up being wrong/too vague, I couldn't find literally anything on it for some reason and it was better than "find it yourself" :)

Related questions

How are earthquacks caused?

Earthquakes are caused when the Earth's tectonic plates:Crash up against each otherGo above one anotherGo below one anotherThis is when two plates do the above. The plates are next to each other to cause this.

What natural process is causing the motion of earth plates?

the mantle is pressuring the plates above which cause the boundaries we learned about to begin. The boundaries are: Convergent, Divergent, and Transform. the plates will have moved because of the boundaries either one of those three. This all will cause earthquakes and other things that i will learn about through the years of my education.

What is the 3 types of tectonic plate motion?

There are 3 primary types of Tectonic Plate boundaries: Divergent boundaries; Covergent boundaries; and Transform boundaries. As the giant plates move, diverging [pulling apart] or converging [coming together] along their borders, tremendous energies are unleashed resulting in tremors that transform Earth's surface. While all the plates appear to be moving at different relative speeds and independently of each other, the whole jigsaw puzzle of plates is interconnected.

Why do plates separates from each other?

From the creation of crust by magma at divergent plate boundaries. It has been proposed that when the above crust is created, it creates in the form of an upward pointing wedge of basalt and this wedge forces the plates apart. For a more extensive discussion of this proposal see

What are 2 causes of earthquake?

earthquakes can be caused by either tectonic or volcanic. Tectonic earthquakes are caused by movement of tectonic plates underneath the earth surface. Volcanic earthquakes are caused by volcanic activities underneath or above earth's surface.

What plate boundary are volcanoes formed at?

Volcanoes can form at three places-1. Divergent boundaries2. Convergent boundaries (oceanic-oceanic and oceanic-continental)2. Above hot spots

Is an earthquake created by tectonic plates?

An earthquake IS caused by the movement of the plates under the ocean. And there is one active site which is known as "The Ring of Fire". +++ The "Ring of Fire" is a whole set of active sites right round the Pacific Ocean, above the subductions of the sea-floor plates below the surrounding continents.

Why are there cliffs and volcanoes near cliffs?

Because usually volcanoes are caused by two plates releasing lava from one going above or below, in similar way to the mountains nearby.

Are the volcanoes connected to the tectonic plates?

Grimsvötn volcano is located in Iceland, which is the setting between two divergent oceanic plates (european and north american) takes place. In fact Iceland technically sists between these two plates where the north atlantic rige reaches above sea level. Grímsvötn is a part of the Grímsvötn-Laki volcanic system and erupts every 5-10 years, being the most active volcano in Iceland today.

Crack above the place where the plates meet?


Where are volcanoes mostly caused?

You can find volcanoes on plate boundaries because when the plates crash into each other they cause an eruption sending all above it upwards, e.g. sending the lava upwards and the rocks causing a volcano, the tectonic plates are also the reason that things such as tsunami's occur.

In what direction do rocks above anormal fault surface moves?

In a reverse fault, compression (plates crashing together) causes the hanging wall to move up. In a normal fault, tension ( plates pulling apart) causes the footwall to push up.