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It's a religon.the only write one.That you belife jesus died for me on the cross and if you trust in jesus you will have etenal life.And god in 3 persons,god,jesus and the holy spirit.
But to be a christian all you have to do is trust jesus as your savior,and ask god to forgive all your sins,and you will be forgiven because he loves us,no matter rich or poor.

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Q: What is christinaty?
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The emperor Theodosius I is the emperor who made the Christin faith the official religion of he empire. Not only did he make Christianity mandatory, but he persecuted pagans and destroyed heir temples.

How do you raise literacy rate in Indian states?

Bring more missionaries to india. It worked for the state of Kerala. Even though kerala has a large christian population. Very few converted to christinaty by these missionaries. All the missionaries did was bring more knowledge to kerala through setting up schools and most of the money came from other christian countries. Thus kerala got free education. Most of the people who came to these schools were christians that were already there and people of other religions as well, if they choose to which most did. thus the christian population there has the literacy rate. also that is why the christian population plays a major role in keralas poltics.

What is christinaty holy book called?

The Bible, which is written in two parts, the first half of it is called the Old Testament and the second half the New Testament.The Old Testament is all the information about the teachings and doings of God before Jesus was born. This is, for all intensive purposes, the core of what Judaism follows.The New Testament is all the information about the life and teachings and doings of God from a little bit before Jesus was born up to a while after he was crucified. Christians follow the New Testament with referal to and understanding of the Old Testament.Islam follows the Quran, but accepts the Bible in its entirety as Hadith in the same sort of way Christians accept the Old Testament.As you can see, it's not just a strictly Christian holy book. :)