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the old French name for a dandelion was 'dent-de-lion' (lion's tooth).

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Q: What is dandelion in old french?
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Related questions

Where did the word dandelion come from?

The word dandelion is from the french

Monday April 5th is dandelion day what was the dandelion named after?

Dandelion is from the French for teeth of the lion [dents de lion] because of the tooth shaped leaves.

What word did dandelion come from?

Dandelion means lion's tooth in French. The petals look like sharp teeth.

Is there dandelion leaf in French salad?

yes of course there iss.

What is 'dandelion' when translated from English to French?

un pissenlit (masc.)

Is the French word pissenlits masculine?

Un pissenlit (dandelion in English) is a masculine noun in French.

What does dandelions mean in french?

'Pissenlit' is a French equivalent of 'dandelion' [Taraxacum spp].The masculine noun 'pissenlit' is the common French word for 'dandelion'. Its singular definite article is 'le' ['the'], and its singular indefinite article 'un' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'pee-saw-lee'.

What is the French name weed called Lion's Tooth?

the English name "dandelion" comes from the French "dent de lion" (lion's tooth). The French name for the dandelion is "un pissenlit", which is formed from "pisse + en + lit", literally "peeing in bed" "

What reference source would you use to find the origin of the word dandelion?

The word dandelion was derived from Old French dentdelion, literally translated, "tooth of the lion," referring to the sharply indented leaves of the plant.

Where did the word dandelion?

It is a translation of the Latin Dens Leonis, which passed into French as Dent de Lion and subsequently into English as Dandelion. All translate as Lion's Tooth from the plant's toothed leaves

What is the French 'pissenlit' in English?

'Dandelion' is an English equivalent of 'pissenlit' [Taraxacum spp].The masculine noun 'pissenlit' is the common French word for 'dandelion'. Its singular definite article is 'le'['the'], and its singular indefinite article 'un' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'pee-saw-lee'.

What does dandelion and dandelion make?

dandelion of course