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The veins are small tube like structures inside the body that help with the flow of blood. The veins actually move blood all over the body, they work in tandem with the arteries, which takes blood to and from the heart.

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Q: What is definition of vein?
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What is the definition of vein?

Vein-1 type of vessel,a tube that carries deoxygenated blood,co2,and wastes back to the heart

What is the definition of a vein?

Vein-1 type of vessel,a tube that carries deoxygenated blood,co2,and wastes back to the heart

What is the definition of hemorrhoids?

a swollen vein or group of veins in the region of the anus.

Which vessel carries blood with the least carbon dioxide?

By definition arteries always carry blood away from the heart and veins carry it to the heart.Most arteries carry blood with the least amount of carbon dioxide. But there is an exception. The arteries that carry blood to the lungs is very high in carbon dioxide.

Which vein is not an antecubital vein A the Femoral vein B the Internal Jugular Vein C the Inguinal vein?

The Superficial Vein is not an antecubital vein.

Is the radial vein a superficial or deep vein?

The Brachial Vein is a deep vein in the arm.

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The ulnar vein is a deep vein.

What vein does the anterior tibial vein drain into?

The Testicular Vein and then into the Penisial Vein.

How effective would the varicose vein valve seem to be in stopping back flow of blood?

Yes. If a valve fails, the blood may pool up and enlarge the vessels into varicose veins . . . usually in the legs.

What kind of vein is the femoral vein?

The femoral vein is a muscular vein.

What kind of vein is the saphenous vein?

The saphenous vein is a muscular vein.

What is the definition of the word vein?

A vein is a tube within the body that carries blood throughout the blood system. Most veins carry oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart and then carry the oxygenated blood away from the heart throughout the body.