

What is the name of the Duck game?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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10y ago

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Duck Duck Goose is a younger and older kids is a very fun game it is easy to play. someone will go around touching peoples head or hand above head and says duck duck duck duck............ then fianally goose the person who got called goose chases the other person and tries to tag them if the person got taged then they sit in the middle until somebody else has to get in the middle.if the poerson misses the person and does not tag them,then that person who did not tag sits in a open spot,and the person who missed them has to go around calling duck duck duck duck duck duck...... then finally goose. the person being chased has to go around the group or so once or twice. see i told you it was a fun game didn't's easy too

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14y ago

Duck Duck Goose is a game for the children around the age of 4-7. It is played in a group. Everyone sits in a circle. The Adult supervising chooses a child to go round the circle. That child calls out " Duck Duck ...." until they go round to the person they want they will say " Goose! " that person will stand up and chase the child that picked them. The child that picked the child now has to run round the circle once, then finds a place to sit down again. This continues for the child which was chasing has to do the same thing the last child did. This repeats until the adult decides to stop the game.

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10y ago

"Duck Killer" is a popular game @ Google Play

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