

What is ecological succesion?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Ecological succession is a fundamental phenomenon of ecology.

It refers to progressive succession from unstable community to stable community.

Initiation of succession is by

a) formation of new inhabited area - volcanic eruption; wash out by tsunami etc.

b) natural and man made calamities - fire

Succession is of two types: Primary - from newly formed soil & secondary - from already existing soil. Ecological succession refers to the orderly and gradual process in a given ecosystem.

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14y ago

Ecological succession is an orderly sequence of different communities over a period of time on a particular area.

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The difference between ecological succession from ecological backlash. Ecological Succession is the predictable changes in the ecosystem. Ecological Backlash is the unexpected and detriminal consequences of an enviromental modification which may outweigh that gains anticipated form the modification. THANK U

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Succesion accurs is nature. This is plants and animals.

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A primary succesion is an area that has not been previously occupied by a community.

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it takes a long time

What happens to the total biomass in an ecosystem during succession?

Well you see, as ecological succession happens, it brings down the diversity due to over population in areas from construction and building. When the animals are pushed too close together they eat each other by competition and predation. How I know, my teacher gave me a real big sticker that said i could, now go do some real work.

What is succesion?

Science, The series of predictable changes that occur in a community overtime

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No belligerent won this war.