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Synonym for program-run.

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Q: What is execution with respect to c language?
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Where execution does take start in C language?

It start with function - main()

What is mean by thread in c sharp?

A thread, in any language, is an independent execution path through a program.

Where function execution ends in c language?

In C, function execution ends with the return statement or when execution encounters the last brace, }, that matches the opening brace, {. If the function is typed, such as int myfunc(), then encountering the last brace is considered an error, because that sequence returns no value.

Why is c language good at performance speed of execution than any other computer languages?

I don't believe it is.

Linker and loader in c language?

There is no such thing in the C language, but it is true that operating systems have a component called loader which loads binary program-files (whose source may be written in C language) into the memory and prepares them to the execution.

Where does c language program begin execution?

The execution of the program starts with function main, wherever it is in the source.

What is fast code execution C language?

example: int main (void) { puts ("That's all"); return 0; }

Is c procedural or structural language?

Structural language is a language in which a particular structure is defined. It is used to make execution and understanding easier. Ex : COBOL Structural language does not have function calls. Procedural language is a language in which function calls are allowed. Ex : C In this a particular procedure is followed every time. IMB.

Why the main function is called userdefine function in c language?

It's called 'main' by tradition; this feature lets the linker to know, where to start the execution.

What is the function of void main in c language?

Actually, it is:int main (void)orint main (int, char **)the point where the execution of the program begins

What is executive a c program?

I think it is 'execution of a C program'.

Why pointer is callded jewel of c language?

a pointer is a derived data type in c. pointers are undoubtedly one of the most distinct and exciting features of c has added power and flexibility to the language. *pointers are more efficient in handling arrays and tables. *pointer can be used to support dynamic memory management. *pointers reduce length and complexity of programs. *increase the execution speed and thus reduce the program execution time. by following character's real power of c lies in proper use of pointers. pointer is called the jewel of c-language.