

What is federal FICA?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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The (OASDI) Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (FICA) (social security and Medicare taxes) all mean the same tax.

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Q: What is federal FICA?
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Related questions

What does fica stand for?

Federal Insurance Contribution Act The word FICA stands for "Federal Insurance Contributions Act."

Is federal withholding the same as fica?

Yes and no. Federal Withholding is usually Federal income tax. FICA is Social Security. Different percentage, goes to a different place.

What does FICA ER on paycheck mean?

On a paycheck, FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. FICA is the United States Federal employment tax that is imposed to fund Medicare and Social Security.

Do you get the FICA back on your federal taxes?

No you do not get FICA back on federal taxes. It's a pay now and collect later system, for when you collect social security at retirement.

What is the difference between FICA and federal?

In short, FICA is for Social Security insurance contributions and only funds that. Federal is for income tax, which funds many things, but NOT your SS benefit.

What is the lowest FICA score possible?

The one which the Federal Government has.

What is FICA payable and fica Expense?

I am doing a certified payroll report and am not certain what they mean can someone tell me what they mean on the paystub of the employee, FICA, FEDERAL STATE TAX and SDI

What does FICA mean on a payroll check stub?

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) in other words, it is your Social Security Tax.

What two deductions are withheld under the FICA heading?

Medicare and Social Security are the payroll deductions withheld under FICA. These federal benefit programs are a part of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

What two deductions are withheld under FICA heading?

Medicare and Social Security are the payroll deductions withheld under FICA. These federal benefit programs are a part of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

The federal government uses FICA taxes to pay for what?

All of the above ^_^

What does FICA stand for after a doctor's name?

Federal Insurance Contributions Act