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I'm digging back a ways here, so not sure if this is completely correct.....

Valence shell refers to the electron orbitals an element has. If you look at the Periodic Table, all the elements in any column in the table have similar outer electron orbitals and so all of the elements in that column tend to form molecules of the same sort. For example NaCl (salt) and KCl, where sodium and potasium both form the same sort of molecular bond with chlorine.

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12y ago
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10y ago

If the valence shell is full, then the element is inert like noble gases. Atoms will try to gain or lose electrons to have a full valence shell

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11y ago

Valence cells are those cells that have 8 electrons on their outermost cells

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What valance shell does hydrogen belong to?

K shell.

What makes a group not reactive on the periodic table?

A full octet, valance shell. A valance shell with eight electrons, such as the Nobel gases have, doe not need to donate or accept electrons into or out of the valance shell to be stable.

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What does a valence shell have to do with chemical reactions?

The valance shell is important in chemical reactions, as it is the valance electrons which are gained/lost during reactions. An atoms valance electron configuration is what largely determines its chemical reactivity.

What is on the outer part of the atom?

"valance shell"

Why does sulfur have a valency of 4 and 6 when it needs only 2 electrons for stable configuration?

It has 6 electrons in it's valance shell and needs 2 more electrons in it's valance shell to become stable. Some atoms, phosphorous for instance ( valance # 5 ), can reach deeper into their valance shell and make additional covalent bonds.

Why is Zn not anoble gas?

It's valance shell does not contain an octet of eight valance electrons. That simple.

How are valence electrons related to stability?

8 valance electrons in valance shell means that atom is stable.

Complete valance shell holds electrons?


How many electrons does the valance shell in hydrogen have?


How many atoms in the valence shell of sodium?

There is one electron in sodium's valance shell.