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Two separate oceanic lithospheric plates are moving away from each other. As they separate, buoyant mantle material from the asthenosphere rises to fill the void. This material, which is extremely hot, but solid, and is under tremendous pressure, is decompressed as it rises, causing it to melt. When it rises to a point at or near the surface, this melt solidifies into new oceanic crust. The buoyancy of this hot new crust, coupled with its thinness, causes it to be pushed up higher over the asthenosphere than the surrounding landscape, forming ridges along the length of the divergent plate boundary. The mid-ocean ridges are the longest continuous mountain range on the planet.

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Q: What is happening at oceanic spreading ridges?
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Seafloor Spreading.

A place where seafloor spreading occurs.?

2. Mid Ocean Ridges are the place where new crust is formed. 1. oceanic plates or oceanic crust

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Volcanoes at spreading centers is referred to as spreading center volcanism. This usually takes place on mid-oceanic ridges where the plates diverge.

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Mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading are characteristics of oceanic diverging plates, plates that are moving away from each other.

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Do you mean spreading centres or oceanic ridges, where the oceanic lithosphere is renewed by hot, less dense rock rising in convection zones.

Is new oceanic crust formed at mid-ocean ridges?

Yes, the process that creates oceanic crust on a mid-ocean ridge is called "seafloor spreading". seafloor spreading creates a new oceanic crust that forms on the mid-ocean ridge.

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Sea Floor Spreading