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Homozygous: genes are similar

Hetrozygous: genes are not similar

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Q: What is homozygous and what is hetrozygous?
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What the relationship between homozygous and heterozygous?

What is thediffernece between homozygous and hetrozygous? Homozygous is a gene combination involving two of the same type of allels. AA,hh) hetrozygous is a gene combination involving two different types of alleles (e.g. Hh, Rr)

What is genotype what terms describe genotype?

"BB" and "bb" are Homozygous"Br" are hetrozygous

What do you mean by hetrozygous?

Genetic expression is different. If the expression is same it said Homozygous.

Any hybrid organism is A.recessive B.purebred C.heterozygous D.homozygous D.?

i think it is hetrozygous or homozygous

A living thing that shows a dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive for the trait true or false?

False because a living thing that shows a dominant trait can not be homozygous recessive. If it is homozygous recessive it will show recessive trait. A living thing that shows dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or hetrozygous.

A hetrozygous genotype is when the alleles present are?

Different, such as Bb.

Which term refers to having two identical alleles in a given trait?

Homozygous Homozygous

What do homozomes and heterozygous mean?

In genetics, you have certain traits that give you certain features. You get one part from each parent. You may have a dad with brown eyes and a mom with blue. Your dad maybe BB or Bb, and your mom bb. Like in eye color, there's brown, blue, hazel, and other colored eyes. Brown eyes is a dominant trait. So it is homozygous dominant or heterozygous (homozygous dominant = BB, heterozygous = Bb). Blue eyes are a recessive trait (homozygous recessive = bb). So, homozygous are carrying one single part of the trait, and heterozygous is carring a part of both traits.

What is homozygous dom?

Say "B" indicates the gene for brown eyes, and "b" the gene for blue eyes."BB" - Homozygous ( the person has brown eyes)"Bb" - Hetrozygous ( the person has brown eyes)"bb" - Homozygous ( the person has blue eyes)Dominant refers to the dominant gene, i.e. the one that decides the appearance of the person (The gene represented by a capital letter).Recessive refers to the recessive gene, i.e. the other gene which does not have any effect on the appearance of the person, but may have an effect on the appearance of their future children (The gene represented by a lower case letter).

What do you call an organism that possesses two dominant or two recessive genes fir a single trait?

I think you are referring to the term homozygous. This term applies not to the entire organism but is typically used with regard to one trait. For example, homozygous tall or homozygous dwarf when referring to height in peas. The term heterozygous refers to having one dominant and one recessive gene, or at least to having two different forms of the gene.

Organism that carries two different alleles for one trait?
