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to be humble in your own life

to live a humble life not brag or be boastful but humble in what you have

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Q: What is humble life?
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What does 'humble life' mean?

humble life

Life will humble you?

Yes, it might.

Who was Muhammad Describe his early life?

he had a very humble early life

What is the meaning of humble life?

Living a humble life means being modest, grateful, and content with what you have. It involves practicing humility, simplicity, and having a sense of gratitude for the small things in life rather than seeking attention, fame, or material possessions.

How does a religious person live their life?

being pious and humble!

Was Jesus humble?

He humbled himself in love and layed down his life, so we can have salvation.

How do you live your life humble?

to live humble is to treat your elder with respect and to have pride in yourself and others and other objects such as a car,your own stuff like toy.

Is it humble beginning or humble beginnings?

Humble beginnings.

How do you use the word humbleness in a sentence?

Your role is therefore to become their humble servant.She was very humble about getting an A+ on her test.Charlotte knew that Wilbur would never brag about his charms because he was so humble.Monks live a modest and humble life.I can give you several sentences.The church says that you should be humble.The humble monk lived in poverty.She leads a very humble life.

Is humble an abstract noun?

No, humble is not a noun; the word humble is an adjective(humble, humbler, humblest) and a verb (humble, humbles, humbling, humbled).

What is the comparative superlative degree for humble?

more humble, most humble

What is the comparative and superlative form of humble?

from a noun word humble,it will be humility in adjective