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The field is Fallow if it has no crop for a season or more.

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Q: What is it called when a field is empty with no crop?
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If corn is called crop what is oranges?

anything that is or can be grown on a field or grown by farmers is a crop.

A crop planted on a field to reduce erosion during the off-season is called?

That is a cover crop.

What is the method of growing different crops alternately on the same field?

when the season is right and when the soil is nice and fertilized.

Is standing crop the same as residuum?

Standing crop is crop left in the field that has not been harvested and residuum is the stuble left in the field after harvest

In order to keep the soil fertile farmers often change the crop that is grown in a field every two to three years. What is this process called?

Crop Rotation

What is the important field crop of the Great Lakes Region?

an important field crop of the Great Lake region

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It is called a riding crop

What is growing one type of crop in the same field year after year called?

Crop rotation. Done to avoid excessive depletion of soil nutrients.

Why is 4 field crop rotation better than 3 year crop rotation?

4 field crop rotation is better than 3 year crop rotation because it could get the job done faster

What is crop productivity definition?

Crop productivity is the quantitative measure of crop yield in given measured area of field.

In what movie a baseball stadium was build in the crop field?

Field of Dreams

What was rotation in the Middle Ages?

A field rotation system was a schedule for planting different crops so the same crop would not grow in the same field year after year. The early system used in the Middle Ages was the two field system, in which the field was tilled for a crop one year and allowed to recover the next. Later, the three field system was used, in which a field was tilled for one crop one year, tilled for a different crop the next year, and allowed to lie fallow to recover in the third. Fallow fields were used for grazing.