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IT is called photosyethies

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Q: What is it called when plants turn energy into food?
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What do plants do with the energy?

The plants turn the energy into food that they can eat.

The process by which plants make energy is called?

The process by which plants make energy is called Photosynthesis.

What is the chemical in which plants turn light energy from the sun into chemical energy or food called?

This chemical is chlorophyll.

What can plants do that humans cannot?

they can turn energy from the sun into a from used by other organisms.

What do plants release as they turn food into energy?


Plants use what to make their own food?

They use photosynthesis to turn sun energy to food energy.

Why are Plants are called producers because they?

They turn sunlight into food.

What is the process called that plants use to turn sunlight into energy?


What do trees need in order to make food?

Trees are plants, so it has plant cells that have chloroplast in them which turn sunlight into energy in a process called photosynthesis.

Why do people dependent on the sun for energy?

For several reasons, but one of the most obvious is our food. We eat food to get energy; the food comes directly from plants, or indirectly through the animals we eat (which, in turn, eat plants, or other animals that eat plants).

Why do plants turn sunlight CO2 and water into sugar and oxygen?

Because the Sugar is the plant's food - plants make their own food by trapping the energy in Sunlight.

What is transeferred from producers to consumers and decomposers through food chains?

Energy is transferred in a food chain. It starts with plants absorbing energy from the sun. It is then transferred up through the food chain by animals that eat plants which are, in turn, eaten by carnivore's.