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Q: What is it called when you start Mirroring physical pain?
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People who derive pleasure from causing others to suffer physical or mental pain are called?

That is called sadism.

Is pain a physical or non physical quantity?

yes pain is non physical quantity.

What hurts more physical pain or emotional pain?

physical pain only last for a little while.......emotional pain can last forever

What does it mean when a person likes to inflict pain to themselves?

the person is called a masochist. they like to make themselves feel physical pain so their emotional pain is forgotton

How is physical pain and emotional pain similar?

Short Term---Physical Long Term--- Emotional

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How does sadism start?

Sadism is basically getting pleasure out of someone's pain. It is most often linked to sexual gratification from inflicting physical pain or emotional abuse on others. It started with nipple biting and just went on from there...

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What is physical pain?

That is when your body hurts.

When a person is in physical pain why do they moan?

Moaning is a natural reaction the body has to pain.

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this is a question in poor taste, if you can imagine how a person can feel physical pain, then you have an answer.

What color symbolises physical pain?
