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Q: What is it that when you take away the whole you still have some left?
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What are some words that rhyme with away and have the same meaning?


What rhymes with Pedro?

your mom is prego. Stop gassing out so many Pedos. This are some good examples you illiterate human Egg Whole

Ten example of riddles?

1. What building has the most stories? library 2. Jack the cowboy rode to an inn on Friday, and three days later, he rode away from the inn on Friday, how is this possible? THe horse is named firday 3. What is broken every time its spoken? silence 4. What four letter word can be read upside down, downside up, and up to down? |\| 0 0 |\| 5. What gets wetter when it dries? towel 6. What goes up a chimney down, and down a chimney up? umbrella 7. How did a man marry 4 women legally without any deaths or divorces? he was a person whose job it is to marry people. 8. When is it bad luck to meet a white cat? when you're a mouse 9. Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it? Donut 10. Imagine you are in a dark room with no lights or doors, or windows. You have no equpment on you and you are getting sleepy. How do you escape? You let yourself die.

What is story about Shall We Walk by Pura Santillan-Castrence?

Shall We Walk by Pura Santillan is an essay not only about the tangible importance of walking, but the joy of reconnecting with yourself. In our fast-paced world, it is important that we don’t get carried away by everything and still make some time for walks. May it be to the office or to the store, it doesn’t matter. As long as you get to see the wolrd in a different lens. The essay talks about meeting different types of people. Observing each one of them, and noticing how different, or same they are to you. Walking also gives you the opportunity to mull over your life, and get away from the city stress. Overall, the essay persuades everyone to take some time out and walk to get not only the physical but also mental benefits.

What rhymes with pilfer?

Nothing rhymes with the entire word, but you can get away with some words that are similar enough to the ending, eg: * sulphur * sampler * sculpture * monster * author * junior etc.