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No one knows for sure and its existence remains unproven.

Some suggest the beast is a relative of Gigantopithecus, an extinct primate of China. A famous home movie from 1967 by Roger Patterson still stands as one of the most significant -- and controversial -- piece of visual evidence.

Bigfoot sightings have been reported for a long, long time. The first reported sightings came from a viking explorer know as "Eric The Red." (He was also known as Leif Erikson and believed to be the first European to visit the Americas long before Columbus). Erik reported seeing huge ape-like creatures that walked upright, that had a swarthy appearance.

Similar stories from around the world about giant and elusive ape-like humans include the Yeren of China, the Yeti of the Himalaya mountains, the Yowie of Australia and the Mapinguari of South America. The Pacific Northwest of America has it's "Bigfoot" and in Canada it's the "Sasquatch." In northern Wisconsin, Dakota Indians know the creature by the name Chiye-tanka, a Dakota name for "Big Elder Brother". It is said to be a hairy, ape-like that stands 7' 9" and weighs between 600 and 900 lbs.

Some published stories, which may or may not be true, related with Bigfoot:

It is said that the first stories about Bigfoot started in 1718.

The first sighting of a Sasquatch by a white man apparently came in 1811 near what now is the town of Jasper, Alberta, Canada. A trader named David Thompson found some strange footprints, 14" long and 8" wide, with 4 toes, in the snow.

In 1884 the Daily Colonist in Victoria, British Columbia told of the capture of a "Sasquatch." The creature was spotted by a train crew along the Fraser River. The crew stopped the train, chased the Sasquatch and trapped it. The creature was given the name "Jacko" and was 7' 7" in high and weighed 127 lbs. He had long black, strong hair and resembled a human being with one exception, his entire body, except his hands (or paws) and feet are covered with glossy hair about one inch long. He possesses extraordinary strength. However, the description of "Jacko" was so unlike Bigfoot reports it was suggested the animal was actually a chimpanzee. Wild tales of sightings of Big Foot or Sasquatch were everywhere so it was hard for scientists to depict what was truth or lies.

In 1924 a Canadian lumberjack named Albert Ostman had been prospecting near Tobet Inlet when he was captured by a family of Bigfoots. The father and daughter guarded him while the mother and son prepared the meals. The family was vegetarian eating roots, grass and spruce tips. After a week Ostman was able to slip away. He didn't tell his story to anyone until 1957, fearing people would think he was crazy.

In 1924 a group of miners near Mount St. Helens, Washington spotted a Bigfoot and shot at it and killed the animal. That night their cabin was surrounded by the creature's friends. They proceeded to throw stones at the building, pound on the walls and climb on the roof. The attack continued till dawn. The next day the miners packed up and left. The place is now called, "Ape Canyon". Years later a miner came forward swearing he'd been the one throwing rocks at the cabin as a joke.

The final sighting came from the region of Mount St. Helens when a prospector complained to a forest ranger the he'd been awakened in the middle of the night when stones were thrown at his cabin. Peeking outside he saw Sasquatches and "they was screaming like a bunch of apes." The man hid under his bed till morning. Going outside he found the cabin surrounded by big footprints.

Interest in Bigfoot began to pick up in the U.S. in 1958 when a bulldozer operator named Jerry Crew found enormous footprint around where he was working in Hamboldt Country, California. Crew mad a cast of the footprint. A local newspaper ran the story of Crew and his footprint with a photo. The story was picked up by other papers and ran through the country. It was a picture of Crew holding the "Bigfoot" that made the name stick.

In 1967 Robert Patterson and Bob Grimlin, Bigfoot buffs, announced they'd captured Bigfoot with a movie camera. The filmed a few seconds of an ape-like creature (female) moving across a clearing near Bluff Creek in northern California. While the film is not perfectly clear, there is no mistaking the creature in the film was not a common animal. The film either shows a real Bigfoot or a man dressed in a costume. No one has ever proved the film fake.

Some local authorities have moved to protect Bigfoot. In Skamania County, Washington, it is illegal to kill a Bigfoot under penalty of $1,000 fine and 5 years in jail. The Sioux Indians, who called Bigfoot "Taku he", have forbidden hunting of him on their grounds.

Is there really a Bigfoot? Despite the many tracks and large number of sightings nobody has ever found a carcass. This is strange if you believe there are enough of these creatures in the forest and mountains of Northwest U.S. and Canada to sustain a breeding population. They must go somewhere to die.

Glenn Thomas offered a story. He was walking through the woods when he spotted a family of Bigfoot in a clearing. They were digging through a pile of rocks and eating the small animals they found (mostly woodchucks and marmots.) Investigators returned to the spot later and found some 30 holes dug. Some of the bounders shifted weighed 250 lbs.

While it is not sure most of these stories are true, untrue or, someone just joking around, it seems possible that these large creatures can exist. After all, what was here first before humans? There are so many discoveries to make in our world that we still know little about so why not the "Bigfoot" Sasquatch" or "Yeti?"

Some religions believe Bigfoot is actually Cain (from The Bible) who was cursed to wander the planet for his sin.

Some believe (Native Americans) the reason you don't see it is because it has powers to turn invisible, but it can only do so at night. It is also thought that just like any other creature, when it smells man, it flees. It is believed that it's mostly nocturnal. That's why it's rarely seen.

There are more and more studies being done on Bigfoot (also called: Yeti). There have been sightings, but no proof that it isn't someone playing a prank. I do believe there is such a beast of nature because there are so many things in this world we haven't even uncovered yet and strange things in nature. For now they think that Bigfoot is part primate and human, but don't know for sure as they have not had one in captivity to research this. Some scientists think Bigfoot (or Yeti) doesn't eat meat, but are vegetarians and eat berries, etc. Some people have sworn they have come across Bigfoot and there is often a terrible odor long before you actually see Bigfoot. The actions of Bigfoot (so it's been written in some articles) are being shy and evasive, but, if someone chases after them or corners them they will fight back. This theory also has never been proven. They are said to live in caves or to build shelters in the wilderness. Some have claimed to have photos, videos of the creature and recordings of it's call, as well as footprint casts and body cast of where it was laying down.

There have only been vague sitings of Bigfoot, (aka: Yeti or Sasquatch.) and no scientific proof they do exist. However, loggers, campers have seen them and they say that you can smell them long before you see them. Since Scientists can't study them (Bigfoot has never been caught) then it's not known if they are more human than animal.

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12y ago
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14y ago

It's known as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman in the Asian mountain range of the Himalayas, Bigfoot in the American Northwest and the Sasquatch in Canada. There have been recorded sightings of this creature all over the world for hundreds of years. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.

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14y ago

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is an alleged ape-like creature purportedly inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.

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15y ago

If you serch in the internet for information on bigfoot, you will come out with countless of sites dedicated to this subject. Many are very scientific and other are just amateur investigation or hoax dedicated. I can recommend a site that is very scientific about this and other creatures. The site is very extensive and you need time to evaluate the information.

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10y ago

Essentially, there has never been any quantifiable proof that bigfoot exists.

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Bigfoot and Yeti are mythical creatures.

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Man of the Forest

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Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch in North America, and this name is often used when referring to the species of animal that Bigfoot belongs to.

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Yes. Bigfoot is known to thow rocks. Other primates do that as well. It could be a sign of communication or just trying to scare you off because you are to close for comfort.

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It's known as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman in the Asian mountain range of the Himalayas, Bigfoot in the American Northwest and the Sasquatch in Canada. There have been recorded sightings of this creature all over the world for hundreds of years.

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They never did. Bigfoot is a phony. They never did. Bigfoot is a phony.

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Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a supposedly ape-like creature purportedly inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. The first sightin by white man was in Canada. Bigfoot has been seen in all 48 continental states, Canada and Alaska.