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AnswerThe Church generally accepts without question that there was a worldwide flood, just as described in The Bible, even as some theologians acknowledge that there are actually two flood stories in Genesis, so well conflated that they appear to be a single, complex story.

There was a flood before the time attributed to Noah and even before the story of Gilgamesh, and some archaeologists and scholars are beginning to see this real-life but localised event as the origin of flood legends that spread all around the ancient Near East. Between 14,000 and 5000 BCE, at the end of the last mini-Ice Age, the world's sea-levels rose by 120 to 130 metres, creating Britain as an island separate from Europe and opening the Bering Strait. And around 5200 BCE, the Mediterranean Sea broke through the Bosporus and inundated the low-lying area that now lies beneath the Black Sea. This was so rapid and so catastrophic that it must have seemed that the gods intended to kill all of mankind. Those who survived must have fled south into what is now known as the Near East (in later periods as the Middle East), taking with them tales of disaster and survival.

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Q: What is known by the church about the flood before Noah?
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After. The story of Noah and the Flood in Genesis comes before the story of Abraham and the descent into Egypt. According to tradition, Abraham was born 292 years after the Flood.

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