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A language replacement, usually known as a language shift, is in broad terms a cultural phenomenon where the predominant language spoken by one culture is changed to another language.

This can be the result of several key factors. One of the most dominant causes of a language shift is due to foreign colonization, where the colonizing nation imposes its culture and language on the colony, and the colony adopts them.

On the opposite hand, a language shift can also occur when communities of immigrants move to another location. A trend has shown where immigrants eventually drop their former language in favor of the predominant language spoken in the culture they now reside.

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Has mademoiselle been removed from French language?

No, mademoiselle hasn't been taken out of French language. Although some feminist groups argued that it singled out unfairly unmarried women, that had little echo in the general public, and no replacement word was available (like the neutral Ms in English).

What is the definition of 'macro-sociolinguistics'?

"Macro -sociolinguistics studies what societies do with their languages,such as: attitudes that account fot the functional distribution of speech forms in society, language shift, maintenance, and replacement, the delimitation and interaction of speech communities." (Wardhaugh, 2006, ch.1, p. 13.) "Macro -sociolinguistics studies what societies do with their languages,such as: attitudes that account fot the functional distribution of speech forms in society, language shift, maintenance, and replacement, the delimitation and interaction of speech communities." (Wardhaugh, 2006, ch.1, p. 13.)

What is the second most spoken language in the world?

Native Speakers: Spanish (1st= Mandarin)Total Speakers: Mandarin (1st= English)Most Widely Spoken: Spanish (1st= English)2nd most spoken language is Mandarin. (English being first.)Generally speaking, English is often found as a nation's second language. One reason for this was the large number of present day nations that were colonized by Great Britain. Another thought on this was at one period of time, French was known as the language of international diplomacy. The downfall of Napoleon, and the continuing influence of the British Empire, made English the generally accepted replacement in diplomatic communications. Another factor is that in the airline industry, English is the language used for air controller - pilot communications.

How is international sign language different from American sign language?

International Sign Language (Gestuno) is a constructed sign language, which the World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf originally discussed in 1951. In 1973, a committee created and standardized a system of international signs. They tried to choose the most understandable signs from diverse sign languages to make the language easy to learn. International Sign Language; known also previously as Gestuno is an international auxiliary language; which basically means its a "coded language" meant for people from different cultures, who speak different languages. In this case, it is a coded language for people who speak different manual languages. International Sign language is used for things like U.N. Council Meetings, international meetings such as the World of the Deaf, and Deafylimpics. The lexicon of ISL is very limited, and not as comprehensively exhaustive as ASL or other sign languages. ISL users will often tend to use regional signs, when there is no authoritative or standardized ISL replacement. ASL is the broadest form of Sign Languages in the Americas, predominantly the U.S. and Canada. It has a complete structure with grammar and syntax... it is considered an official language (International sign Language does not have an accepted form of grammar and syntax... participants usually use the codified signs in their native grammar and syntax...) International Sign Language is not considered an "official language."

What is e language and l language?


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