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Nothing is left behind.

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Q: What is left behind when a pan of saltwater is boiled dry?
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What is dry urine?

It is urine that has either been boiled or left out long enough that just about the only thing left in it is Ammonia.

What occurs in wind erosion A. Wet soil is transported away. B. Dry soil is transported away C. Small rocks are left behind. D. Large rocks are left behind.?

Large rocks are left behind and dry soil is transported away. B- Dry soil is transported away in a process called deflation

Why is carbon dioxide known as dry ice?

When dry ice is heated, it does not become liquid - but sublimes (turns straight into gas). This means that there is no liquid residue left behind, so it is called 'dry'.

Does overgrazing cause any pollution?

Yes, it can. Sometimes the soil left behind is very dry and the wind can cause dust storms.

How did roman legions do their laundry?

they boiled it, scrubbed it with lye, rinsed it, and then hung it out to dry.

Which of these is a type of low flat land that is left behind after a large body of water such as a lake has completely disappeared?

Lacustrine Plain ") A+

Does saltwater and chorline help poison ivy?

Salt water should dry it out. Not sure about chlorine. The key is to dry out the rash so it can heal.

What is the purpose of dry ice blasting?

Dry Ice Blasting is used as an abrasive to remove remnants of paint or other particles left behind or used to smooth a surface for the purpose of applying a finishing.

Is salt a natural resources?

yes,It comes from water[seawater] the seawater dry's up eventually and the salt is left behind and salt is made.

Can you dry a hard-boiled egg in a low oven to preserve the decorated shell?

A hard-boiled egg probably isn't going to dry much more in a low oven than it will at room temperature, and the heat runs the risk of damaging the decoration.

Which planet is dominated by a Greenhouse effect?

Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect that has boiled its oceans dry.

What is the difference between waxed beans and dried beans?

You probably mean to ask about Wax Beans, a type of string bean with yellow pods, very similar to Green Beans. The beans are picked while young, before the pods mature and dry. The whole pod is boiled and eaten. Numerous varieties of Dry Beans are left on the vine to mature. When the pods are dry, the beans are harvested by breaking open the dried pods. Only the beans from inside the pod are kept to be washed, soaked and boiled for food.