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It is the testes!

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Q: What is located above the kidneys only in a male frog?
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What structure is found above the kidneys but only in male frogs?

The testes.

Where is the ureters located in a female?

Between the kidneys and the bladder, same as in the male.

How big are the kidneys and where are they located?

They are shaped roughly like the fists of an adult male and are located in the midsection of the body close to one's back.

How big are the kidneys and where are located?

They are shaped roughly like the fists of an adult male and are located in the midsection of the body close to one's back.

Can a male frog mate with another male frog?

No, male frogs can only mate with females.

Why is the thumb of the male frog swollen?

It is not swollen, the male frog's thumb is Enlarged.

How do male and female frogs find each other?

The mating call of the frog is well known and is executed by the male frog. He will locate a watery area deemed suitable for spawning of eggs and will then call out to the female to attract her to this area that he has located.

How do you tell if a pacific tree frog is a female or male?

How do you tell a male pacific frog from a female

How do you tell a female frog from male?

Males croak all the time, Females only croak if they are about to be killed. A male frog will croak but a female frog will not.

What is a tyrell frog?

a tyrell frog is a odd frog from japan and china this frog can be really aggressive if you come to close and will eat the male after giving birth and then the female turns into a male!

What is the sex of your frog and how could you tell name two ways?

There are slight differences between male and female frogs. The male frog has an enlarged pad as its hand. Also, if you were to open it's mouth then you'd be able to notices two holes near it's esophagus on the bottom mouth, called the vocal sacs. Next, if you were dissecting the frog, you'd be able to notices its testis attached to its kidneys when looking underneath its liver. The female frog has ovaries and eggs that look like small black beads all connected together, on its kidneys underneath its liver. Surrounding it, there would be oviducts. If you weren't dissecting the frog, the easiest clue would be the size of its hands.

What frog resembles to the moo of a male cow?

A bull frog.