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An electron or electrons is/are lost or gained to produce an ion. An atom with the same number of electrons as protons is a neutral atom. If the proton count and electron count do not match, that atom is electrically "imbalanced" and is an ion.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

It can be called oxidation (loss of electrons) or reduction (gain of electrons) if it occurs in a chemical reaction.

It can also be called ionization.

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Q: What is the loss and gain of electrons to form ions?
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How do positive and negative ions forms?

Atoms gain electrons to form negatively charged anions. Atoms lose electrons to form positively charged cations.

Ions are electrically charged due to a gain or loss of?


Atoms that have an electrical charge due to a gain or loss of electrons are called what?

Ions. Cations have lost electrons and have a positive charge. Anions have gained electrons and have a negative charge.

What is the charge of ions and positive ions?

There are two types of charges of ions that are the negative and the positive charges. Ionic bonding is between 2 types of elements;the metals and non-metals. Metals loose electrons while non-metals gain electrons. when they form ions they obtain charges. The metals always gain a positive charge as they loose electrons while the non-metals always gain a negative charge as they gain electrons.

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Atoms become ions by gaining or losing electrons to achieve a noble gas configuration of electrons, which is stable. Argon already has such a configuration and is very stable as it is. Any gain or loss of electrons would make it less stable.

What are the similar Β between ionic and covalent bonding?

Ionic and covalent bonding involve electrons. Ionic bonding involves the loss and gain of electrons, form ions. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons.

Why is the formation of chlorine classified as oxidation?

The formation of chlorine from chloride ions invoves loss of electrons there fore it is "oxidation" which is defined as loss of electrons. OIL RIG oxidation is loss, reduction is gain.

What are the subatomic particles that are transferred to form ions?

Ions are formed by the gain OR loss of an electron.

Metals tend to lose electrons to gain positive ions?

nonmetals gain electronsmetals lose electrons

How does one explain the formation of ions?

When an atom gains or loses a valence electron, it forms an ion. Atoms form ions in order to help another to obtain a full octet and to stabilize the valence.

Do group 8 elements form ions?

Group-14 elements share electrons. they form covalent bonds.

What do you call electrically charged particles that result from the loss of one or more electrons by a parent atom?

Ions. Specifically Cations. Particles that gain electrons are anions.