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Information held about an item process or person is not communicated to any person or persons that do not have a legitimate reason or right to that data

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Q: What is maintaining confidentiality of information?
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Security and confidentiality?

What is the importance of maintaining security and confidentiality?

Who was credited with identifying the importance of maintaining one's confidentiality?


What does maintaining confidentially mean?

Maintaining confidentiality means keeping a secret. This is one of the qualities that most professionals are required to have as part of their code of conduct.

How does maintaining confidentiality help communication?

Confidentiality leads to trust, when you are trusted more people will communicate with you. Conversely, if you were known as someone who breaches a persons confidentiality less people will want to communicate with you.

Explain what is meant by the term maintaining confidentiality?

Basically the long and short of it is keep a secret. Don't divulge any information. Business is a lot like war, information can be the difference between success and failure.

What is confidentiality?

Respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret. Confidentiality is a part of the information security triad of "Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability." Information possesses confidentiality when it is accessible only to those who are authorized to access it. Conversely, information lacks confidentiality to the extent that it is available or disclosed to unauthorized persons or processes.

Importance of maintaining security and confidentiality?

Security and confidentiality are two very important things. Without them people would not be OK with bank use or anything.

Why confidentiality is important in building and maintaining trust at work?

it builds on the ability to have open and honest communication in the workplace secure in the knowledge that any information will not be shared with those you do not wish it to be shared with.

Confidentiality is the assurance that information is not disclosed to?

Confidentiality is the assurance that things are not disclosed to unauthorized recipients.

Why important confidentiality?

confidentiality is important as it creates a barier to information and detailwhich could be accessed and which can't.

How is it confidentiality protected for a reporter when trying to uncover unfavorable information?

The Shield Law protects confidentiality when a reported is trying to uncover unfavorable information.

How important is security and confidentiality?

Maintaining confidentiality is very important because it shows respect for people and they can trust you and feel relax enough to tell you any suggestion they may have. There may be some cases in which you will have to break confidentiality such as if a child protection case is suspected.