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No one really knows for sure, because no one has directly seen God and we do not know how we are to "Him". (If God exists.)

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man as a being with others

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Q: What is man as a being for others and a being for God?
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No God was not at all created by man, or to keep us from being free.

Can god be a human being?

God can choose to be man. However, He chooses to be spirit. He would never be a man.

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not technically, because god is not man. he is a divine being, that never begins or ends, just IS. man was made in gods likeness, but god is not man.

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There is an old saying: "God created man in His image, and man, being a gentleman, returned the favor". God is a pure spirit, and hence formless. Man creates images of god that satisfy man.

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NO, this is a controversial matter. Man is thought to be the smartest, but an ultimate being would be a God.

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the father, the son and the holy ghost God is a perfect man.

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John Calvin (1509-1564) said god predestined heaven and others for hell, because god is sovereign and can do what he wants.

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No, Jesus Christ was God then came down to earth and was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem as a human being. Jesus is fully God and fully Man, the God/Man.

What does God say about being a man?

God made man special of all the animals. He made man in his own image. He wanted man to be like him. What went wrong? Adam sinned.

How was the will of the supreme being given to god?

If you believe people made up the concept of God, then people also made up "the will of the supreme being." If you believe that God is a real supreme being, then the will of the supreme being was not given to God, but something God possesses and man simply recognizes.