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Moderation is consuming within accepted guidelines and abstinence is never consuming any alcoholic beverage.

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Q: What is moderation in or abstinence from alcohol?
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What is the moral ideal of temperance?

This category deals with meaning - not ideals. The meaning of "temperance" is "moderation and self-restraint in behavior or expression" - or "abstinence from alcohol".

What is a synonym for abstinence?

temperance, avoidance, moderation, frugality, self-control, soberness

Why you will not use alcohol?

I drink alcohol in moderation.

What are you oppinion on alcohol?

Drink alcohol in moderation.

What is a complex sentence for abstinence?

I don't drink alcohol because abstinence is my way of life.

Is alcohol prohibited in veda?

The Vedas do not explicitly mention alcohol prohibition. However, they do emphasize moderation and self-control in all aspects of life, including consumption of substances. Some later Hindu scriptures like the Manusmriti advocate abstinence from alcohol for priests and those seeking spiritual growth.

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Voluntarily choosing not to use alcohol is called?


What are possible effects of alcohol?

Drinking alcohol in moderation has been proven to promote better health and greater longevity than abstinence. Alcohol, or ethanol, is a poisonous chemical that has direct and toxic effects on nerve and muscle cells. The effects can be profound, and symptoms can include incoordination, weakness, seizures , memory loss, and sensory deficits.

Why alcohol is not good for your body?

Alcohol is good for the body if consumed in moderation.

What is effect when drinking alcohol in moderation?

Relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. Note that "moderation" is one unit of alcohol a day for women, two for men.

What is abstinence and what are the effects of practicing abstinence?

Abstinence - is the act of a person choosing not to participate in a certain activity. This can be something like... not drinking alcohol, or not having intercourse before marriage.