

What is more destructive tectonic or volcanic earthquake?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is more destructive tectonic or volcanic earthquake?
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Why are tectonic and volcanic earthquake more destructive than earthquakes caused by landslides?

Barrels are somehow involved.

When do volcanic earthquakes occur?

An earthquake can be caused in two different ways, there is a volcanic earthquake and a tectonic earthquake. Tectonics earthquakes are much more common than volcanic earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are when magma, or molten rock, moves underground. This can cause earthquake directly in what is called a harmonic tremor, or indirectly by breaking and shifting rock. A tectonic earthquake is when stress built up by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is released in the form of shaking.

Why do earthquakes occur more often in some places that in others?

They occur because of nature. Volcanic eruptions signal off an earthquake because normally a volcanic eruption and an earthquake are on a fault line/edge of a tectonic plate.

Was the Haiti earthquake caused by destructive plate boundaries?

The Haitian earthquake that occurred in January 2010 was caused by a transform boundary where two tectonic plates were sliding past each other. For more information please see the related question.

Why do earthquakes mostly happen along tectonic plates boundaries?

Becuase when the tectonic plates shift or move, it creates an earthquake. so the closer to the tectonic plates, the more strong the earthquake.

What is more destructive a big earthquake or many small earthquakes?

It depends on how big the earthquake is. A big earthquake will cause more damage to the area.

Why is an earthquake a destructive force?

Becuase it cause more damage

Why did the 2008 china earthquake occur?

Because two plates rubbed together which caused the land to shake!!

Why is volcanic eruption more predictable than an earthquake?

because it is

How an earthquake is started?

An earthquake is usually started by two or more tectonic plates grinding together and thrusting up earth and rock.:)

Is there going to be any more earthquake?

Yes. There will always be earthquakes due to the earth's tectonic plates

How earthquake take place?

An earthquake takes place, because there are tectonic plates which sometimes crash into each other, some places are more affected then others because some places are closer to the tectonic plates then others.