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It's very likely gas, actually.

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Q: What is moving around in your stomach if you are not pregnant but have very strong stomach rumbles?
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Your lower stomach has been acting werid and moving around can you be pregnant?


34 weeks pregnant feel and see pulsing on your stomach?

its your baby moving around!!

My upper stomach underneath diaphragm keeps moving for few months i am not pregnant but my stomach gets bigger what is it?

Gas moving through the intestines

Gaining Weight Moving in stomach Missed Period Negative Pregnacey Test?

Not pregnant.

What does it mean when a pregnant woman's baby is moving more and more on the bottom of the stomach?

It could mean the baby is getting ready to drop.

What does it mean when you feel something moving in your stomach but your on birth control?

A sensation of movement in the stomach is part of the human condition, and is usually due to gas. If you think you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant enough to feel fetal movement, you're pregnant enough for a positive urine test.

A jumping feeling in stomach can you be pregnant?

The best way to find out is to take a pregnancy test. Most woman start to show around 5 months, and that's when some mothers can feel there pride of joy moving. GOD BLESS

Do all volcanoes share cracks surface?

No because Volcanic ash only spreads lava around the surface the only natural disaster that cracks the surface is a earthquake. A earthquake is when two of the earths plates are moving and it rumbles the earth

Why does your stomach rumble?

When you are hungry your stomach will often rumble and growl as a response to your body needing nutrients. During the first trimester of pregnancy, many women lose their appetites and your stomach will growl in response.

If you are not pregnant and you dream you are and can feel the baby moving around in you what does that mean?

Well if you are not pregnant, then obviously it doesn't mean that you are but it could be your brain feed your subconscious yearnings if you really wish that you are pregnant.

Im Feeling something moving in your stomach but not pregnant could i be sick?

dont worry im about 4 weeks take a pregnancy test

How long does it take rabbits to get pregnant?

the gestation period is 28-32 days but my rabbits have always nested on 30 and kindled on 31, sometimes they are not pregnant but on day 27 you van feel kits moving in her stomach if it is good sized litter.