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Plantar abduction. Movement inward is adduction. Upward movement of the foot is called dorsiflexion. Downward movement of the foot is called plantar flexion.

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Q: What is moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle called?
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Function of the ankle?

the ankle on your foot allows you to move your foot forward and back, while stopping it from moving too much from side to side.

What is extending the foot at the ankle is referred as?

To "point your foot" in extension at the ankle is, in fact, "extension" of the foot, where as, to pull the foot/toes up toward the knee is flexion of the foot. To turn the foot inward is supination and to turn it outward is pronation. Hope that helps to clear up any confusion about the terms related to movement of the foot.

What happens during ankle reflex?

An ankle reflex is when the Achilles tendon is tapped while the foot is stretched out. A positive outcome is when the foot jerks outward. The test is done to determine if S1 and S2[3] nerve roots are in place.

The strongest tendon in the foot ankle or lower leg?

The tendon on the ankle is called the Peroneal tendon.

What are the names of the small bones in the ankle and foot?

They are collectively called the tarsals.

Where is metatarsal located on foot?

The metatarsals are technically the foot bones just beyond the ankle. They are between your ankle bones and the toes.

Ankle is what to the foot?

The ankle is closer to the body than the foot so it is proximal.

Do the foot and ankle both do dorsiflexion?

Yes, both the foot and ankle have the capacity for dorsiflexion

What is an ankle sock?

An ankle sock is a short sock which covers the foot and ankle.

What is the meaning of foot care?

Foot care involves all aspects of preventative and corrective care of the foot and ankle. Doctors specializing in foot care are called podiatrists.

What is the pulse on the foot?

Dorsalis pedis (top of foot) & Posterior tibial (behind ankle on inside of foot)

What part of the body is the ankle in?

The ankle is the joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg bones with the talus. The ankle connects the foot with the leg.