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Hydrostatic equilibrium [See related question]

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Q: What is one force that is responsible for maintaining the balance of a star during the main sequence stage?
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Related questions

Who is responsible for preventing the escape of defendants during a criminal trial?

The bailiffs are responsible for maintaining security, safety, and decorum inside the courtroom.

If your car was repossessed during your separation but it was bought while you were married are you both responsible for the debt?

Whomever signed the contract is responsible for the balance.

Which sense is responsible for feeling of balance and feeling car sick?

Actually, the part of the brain responsible for the balance and coordination is the Cerebelum, which is the small brain as they say located on the base of your head. There is no particular sense that is responsible for your balance. A combination of the stimulation of all the senses maybe what adds to feeling nauseous during car rides.

What group was most responsible for maintaining a level of literacy during the Dark Ages by focusing on learning Greek Latin and Hebrew?


Who are the people who load or cargo a plane?

Loadmaster, a crew member responsible for loading and unloading cargo, and for assuring load balance during the flight.

Who is the bailiff in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The bailiff in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is named Mr. Link Deas. He is responsible for maintaining order in the courtroom during the trial of Tom Robinson.

Why do all pregnant women walk side to side when they walk?

Maintaining balance is a key role in pregnancy. Also, during the third trimester the body is preparing for birth, so the hips turn outward forcing "The Walk"

Who keeps order in the courtroom and announces the judge's entry?

The bailiff keeps order in the courtroom and announces the judge's entry. They are responsible for security, maintaining courtroom decorum, and assisting the judge as needed during court proceedings.

What is the role of rna?

RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription. As complex molecule composed of protein subunits, RNA polymerase controls the process of transcription, during which the information stored in a molecule of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA.

Who is responsible for maintaining the US coast guard in the state of readiness during peacetime?

The United States Coast Guard operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. However, it can be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Navy by the U.S. President at any time, or by the U.S. Congress during times of war.

During DNA replication what sequence on complementary base pairs will be match to the following sequence ATACGCGTTA?


In theater production who is responsible for the stage props?

The set designer (or set manager, or set dresser) is responsible for verifying and maintaining the prop items. During production, they may be handled by an assistant, or by a designated "props manager", who coordinates with the set manager and the stage director to assure that the props are properly placed and handled.