

What is one part of an equation?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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13y ago

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Each part of an equation or an expression is called a term.

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Q: What is one part of an equation?
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An equation can have zero solutions, one solution, two solutions, or many solutions. A solution is any number that, when replaced into the equation, will give an equality. An example of an equation without a solution is x = x + 1. No matter what number you use for "x", the right part will always be one more than the left part. Therefore, the equation has no solution. (Also, if you subtract "x" from each side, you get the equation 0 = 1, which is obviously false.)

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An "extraneous solution" is not a characteristic of an equation, but has to do with the methods used to solve it. Typically, if you square both sides of the equation, and solve the resulting equation, you might get additional solutions that are not part of the original equation. Just do this, and check each of the solutions, whether it satisfies the original equation. If one of them doesn't, it is an "extraneous" solution introduced by the squaring.