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Photolysis is any reaction where a chemical compound splited by photon (units of light). In a lay man's language splitting up a chemical compound in presence of light. In photosynthesis photons split water molecule into its constituents and release energy in the form of electrons which are transported to the electron transport chain along electopotential gradient

The reaction is a s follows

H2A + 2 photons (light) 2e- + 2H+ + A

A can be oxygen or in purple sulfur or cyanobacteria can be S

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11y ago

photolysis is using the energy from light to split a Hydrogen atom into a H+ (proton) and an e- (electron). It is the first step in the light-dependant reaction of photosynthesis- without it, this reaction cannot occur indefinately. The e- enters the electron transport chain, where the redox reactions release some energy.

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16y ago

chemical process by which molecules are broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light

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12y ago

The process of breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by the influence of light during the light reactions of photosynthesis.

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What is the significance of photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water is significant because it plays a key role in photosynthesis which is the process used by a plant to make sugar. Without photolysis of water photosynthesis wouldn't be possible. Without photosynthesis, sugar couldn't be made and life as we know it on Earth wouldn't exist.

A compound that is split during photosynthesis is?

Carbon dioxide is split into carbon and oxygen during photosynthesis.

Does photosynthesis make oxygen?

yesYes,oxygen is made. It is made by photolysis of water.

What is photosynthesis waste product and where does it come from?

It is oxygen gas. Photolysis of water generates it

What is photosynthesis's waste product and where does it come from?

It is oxygen gas. Photolysis of water generates it

The splitting of water during photosynthesis is called?

Photolysis is the splitting of water during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process which results in the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.

Where do water as a product go in photosynthesis?

water is broken is to O2. The process is known as photolysis

What is water is the role in the light reaction of photosynthesis?

It provides the electrons. Process is called Photolysis