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Q: What is product additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number of -3?
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Name the additive inverse and the multiplicative inverse for the number 2.5?

Additive inverse: -2.5 Multiplicative inverse: 0.4

What are the additive and multiplicative inverses of 5.42?

The additive inverse of a number a is the number -a because a + (-a) = 0. For 5.42, the additive inverse is -5.42 because 5.42 + (-5.42) = 0. The multiplicative inverse of a number a is the number 1/a because a(1/a) = 1. For 5.42, the multiplicative inverse is 1/5.42 = 0.1845.

What is the multiplication inverse of 8?

The multiplicative inverse is when you multiply a certain number, and the product is itself, the number. So, the multiplicative inverse of 8 is of course, 1. For every number, the multiplicative number is 1, because a certain number times 1 is equal to the certain number. It's simple!!

Multiplicative inverse of -3?

The multiplicative inverse of -3 is -(1/3) or negative one-third. The multiplicative inverse of a number is the number that you multiply it by to get a result of 1 (the multiplicative identity). So, since -3 times -(1/3) is 1, -(1/3) is the multiplicative inverse of -3. Similarly, +3 is the ADDITIVE inverse of -3. The additive inverse of a number is the number you add to it to get a result of 0 (the additive identity). So, since -3 + (+3) = 0, +3 is the additive inverse of -3. The original answer given here was that the multiplicative inverse of -3 is +3, which is flat incorrect.

Is the product of a number and its multiplicative inverse always a rational number?

If the multiplicative inverse exists then, by definition, the product is 1 which is rational.

What number is the opposite of 0?

0 is its own additive inverse. There is no multiplicative inverse for 0.

Is 7k plus 0 equals 7k a multiplicative identity?

No because 0 is additive inverse the multiplicative inverse of a number is when you multiply that number by the m. inverse and still get that number.

What is the difference between multiplicative inverse and additive inverse?

The multiplicative inverse of a non-zero element, x, in a set, is an element, y, from the set such that x*y = y*x equals the multiplicative identity. The latter is usually denoted by 1 or I and the inverse of x is usually denoted by x-1 or 1/x. y need not be different from x. For example, the multiplicative inverse of 1 is 1, that of -1 is -1.The additive inverse of an element, p, in a set, is an element, q, from the set such that p+q = q+p equals the additive identity. The latter is usually denoted by 0 and the additive inverse of p is denoted by -p.

What are oppposites in math?

Opposites in math are called inverses. There are two of these inverses: an additive and a multiplicative. The additive inverse of a number is that number multiplied by -1. If this is added to the number, then the result will be 0. The multiplicative inverse of a number is its reciprocal. This is the number converted into a fraction then flipped. If you multiply a number with its multiplicative inverse, the result will be 1.

How are a number and its opposite represented on a number line?

The answer will depend on what you mean by "opposite": the additive inverse or the multiplicative inverse.

What number is opposite of 90?

Define opposite. The additive inverse is -90, the multiplicative inverse is 1/90

How do you find the opposite of a number?

The answer depends on what you mean by "opposite": whether it is the additive inverse or the multiplicative inverse.