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Q: What is raster and how is it produced on a picture tube?
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What is the meaning of the word raster?

The word raster means lines on a television set that creates a picture. Raster is what makes up a television picture by projecting through the tube on the television set.

What is a raster graphic?

A raster graphic is a bitmap graphic. Also called a picture element. Stupid

What is a raster device?

Common examples of raster devices are computer monitors (e.g. cathode ray tube, LCD). The term "raster device" means a device that is composed of discrete image samples or pixels.

How are picture stores in calligraphic and raster refresh display devices?

computer graphics

Where is the picture tube?

A picture tube is that big glass thing you look at that the picture appears on. The back of it has a regular tube socket.

Which picture element is changed when you edit a raster image?

You are changing the values of one or more pixels. Raster images are composed of pixels, editing them means changing the values of some pixels.

What is random scan devices?

1)raster displays have less resolution.2)the lines produced are jig- jag as the plotted values are discrete.3)high degree is achieved in picture with the aid of advanced shading and hidden...What_do_you_mean_by_raster_scan_random_scanWhat_do_you_mean_by_raster_scan_random_scan

What is delta gun picture tube with diagram?

draw delta gun picture tube

What is the difference between a raster and image data?

Raster IS a type of image data another type is VECTOR.Raster deals with picture elements (pixels) these are discrete bits of the picture , small dots or swuares that together make up the entire image).Vectors deal with mathematical expressions for lines and areas. You can zoom in invinitely into a vector image and neve get blocks or jaggged edges which appear in raster images.

Difference between raster scan CRT and vector scan CRT?

Raster-scan1)raster displays have less resolutio. 2)the lines producced are ziz-zag as the plotted values are discrete.3)high degree realism is achived in picture with the aid of advanced shading and hidden surface technique.4)decreasing memory costs have made raster systems popular.Random scan1)random displays have high resolutions since the picture definition is stored as a set of line drawing commands and not as a set of intensity values. 2)smooth lines are produced as the electron beam directly follows the line path.3)realism is difficult to achieve.4)random-scan system's are generally costlier.

What is raster printing?

Raster printing refers to the method of printing which uses the raster image processor. The raster printing usually produces a raster image called a bitmap.

How is black pigment produced in the sim tube?

the organism inside the tube has produced hydrogen sulfide