

What is recordset?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Difference between recordset and resultset in java?


What is the difference between Datareader and dataset?

The Recordset was not XML-based and could not be serialized to XML easily or flexibly. Finally, a Recordset was not independent of a data store because it tracked a Connection object and through its methods could send queries to the data source to populate, update, and refresh its data. To that end, the Recordset contained functionality found in the ADO.NET DataSet, data reader, and data adapter objects. Similar to the DataSet, a Recordset could be disconnected from its data store and therefore act as an in-memory cache of data. Of course, it could also be used in a connected model depending on the cursor options that were set. Although the Recordset object stored multiple versions of each column for each of its rows, it was not by nature able to represent multiple tables without the use of the Data Shape Provider.

What is the difference between labor union and professional bodies?

The UNION statement in SQL is used to join to result sets that have the same number and type of columns. The UNION statement by default will eliminate duplicate rows (where all columns are the same). If you know that you will not have this condition, or it is not desired to get a DISTINCT recordset back, then use the UNION ALL statement (this will help with performance also).

Difference between Two tier architecture and Three?

The easiest way to explain this is, as you suggest, by an example. So I'll give you an example. Let's suppose I'm going to write a piece of software that students at a school can use to find out what their current grade is in all their classes. I structure the program so that a database of grades resides on the server, and the application resides on the client (the computer the student is physically interacting with). When the student wants to know his grades, he manipulates my program (by clicking buttons, menu options, etc). The program fires off a query to the database, and the database responds with all the student's grades. Now my application uses all this data to calculate the student's grade, and displays it for him. This is an example of a 2-tier architecture. The two tiers are: 1. Data server: the database serves up data based on SQL queries submitted by the application. 2. Client application: the application on the client computer consumes the data and presents it in a readable format to the student. Now, this architecture is fine, if you've got a school with 50 students. But suppose the school has 10,000 students. Now we've got a problem. Why? Because every time a student queries the client application, the data server has to serve up large queries for the client application to manipulate. This is an enormous drain on network resources. So what do we do? We create a 3-tier architecture by inserting another program at the server level. We call this the server application. Now the client application no longer directly queries the database; it queries the server application, which in turn queries the data server. What is the advantage to this? Well, now when the student wants to know his final grade, the following happens: 1. The student asks the client application. 2. The client application asks the server application. 3. The server application queries the data server. 4. The data server serves up a recordset with all the student's grades. 5. The server application does all the calculations to determine the grade. 6. The server application serves up the final grade to the client application. 7. The client application displays the final grade for the student. It's a much longer process on paper, but in reality it's much faster. Why? Notice step 6. Instead of serving up an entire recordset of grades, which has to be passed over a network, the server application is serving up a single number, which is a tiny amount of network traffic in comparison. There are other advantages to the 3-tier architecture, but that at least gives you a general idea of how it works. Incidentally, this website is a 3-tier application. The client application is your web browser. The server application is the ASP code which queries the database (the third tier) for the question-and-answer you requested. I hope that helps! ANKUR MISHRA

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The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. A Recordset object consist of records and columns (fields). In ADO, this object is the most important and the one used most often to manipulate data from a database

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A database record is a single row in a database. A recordset (or cursor) represents a query, and looks like (part of) a record or row. It is actually a row of the query, or virtual table representing the query. When you submit a query that returns data, you create a recordset and the database fills it in with the first record that matches the predicate clause. You do what you need to do with that data. When you need the next record, you fetch the next row, and so on and so forth. Some recordsets represent more than one row at a time. That is up to the database and your program design, but the concept is the same - the recordset is all or part of the resultset from the query.

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cursor is show the record which is saved in database of ADO(activex data object).it is four type.dbopenkeyset:-for open the dynaset-type recordset object which is like an odbc keyset cursor.dbopendynamic:-or open dynmic-type record-set object,which lets the application see the changes made by other user.dbopenstatic:-open a static type recordset object.dbopenforwardonly:- fo open forward only type recordset object,where you can only use move next to move.

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I know its either a query set, a recordset, or a task set. I dont know which one it is in those. ? Do you know. ? Need Help. ! ?

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The Recordset was not XML-based and could not be serialized to XML easily or flexibly. Finally, a Recordset was not independent of a data store because it tracked a Connection object and through its methods could send queries to the data source to populate, update, and refresh its data. To that end, the Recordset contained functionality found in the ADO.NET DataSet, data reader, and data adapter objects. Similar to the DataSet, a Recordset could be disconnected from its data store and therefore act as an in-memory cache of data. Of course, it could also be used in a connected model depending on the cursor options that were set. Although the Recordset object stored multiple versions of each column for each of its rows, it was not by nature able to represent multiple tables without the use of the Data Shape Provider.

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adOpenKeyset - this cursor supports forwards as well as backwards navigation. It also allows you to update a recordset and all changes will be reflected in other users recordsets (changes are visible but that record is unaccesible). The cursor also supports bookmarking.

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a dynaset object can be used to retrieve information from a recordset and use the resault of the query to then edit the records and it also can get resaults from more than one table. On the other hand the snaphot gets information from only one table on the query and the data can not be edited or updated

What does oRsOpen gSql gConn adOpenStatic adLockOptimistic and how do you fix the problem?

This opens a recordset from a SQL statement (gSql) with a given connection (gConn), not recognizing changes in the database (adOpenStatic), momentarily locking a record when the Update method is called. You need to provide an error message or description of the problem in order for anyone to advise you how to fix it.

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A dynaset record is a type of recordset in database terminology that allows for dynamic interaction with the underlying data source. It allows for both forward-only and bidirectional cursor movement, enabling updates and changes to be made to the data. Dynaset records are typically used in scenarios where real-time data manipulation and responsiveness are required.

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The UNION statement in SQL is used to join to result sets that have the same number and type of columns. The UNION statement by default will eliminate duplicate rows (where all columns are the same). If you know that you will not have this condition, or it is not desired to get a DISTINCT recordset back, then use the UNION ALL statement (this will help with performance also).

How do you insert a record into the table which has an identity column?

In Microsoft Access you can insert a record directly via the table object, execute an append query, enter a record into a data bound form or write a record programatically via the recordset object. In Access an identity column is referred to as a Primary Key. If the Primary Key column's data type is set to autonumber then the column is read only and will automatically be assigned the next unique number (datatype long) within that table. If the Primary Key column's data type is NOT set to autonumber then you must provide a unique, non-null value when adding the record. Append Query on a table with an autonumber Primary Key: Insert into tbl_Test (Test_FirstName, Test_LastName) Values ('George', 'Washington') Append Query on a table with an non-autonumber Primary Key: Insert into tbl_Test (Test_Id, Test_FirstName, Test_LastName) Values (1,"George","Washington")