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Low levels of parathyroid hormone. Decreased levels of PTH lead to low levels of calcium and high levels of phosphorus in the blood. This imbalance can lead to problems with bones, muscles, skin, and nerve endings.

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15y ago

The thyroid is responsible for most systems of the body, so hypothyroidism (under active) has quite a few effects. The most common include: fatigue, non-restful sleep, "brain fog," difficulty concentrating, decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, low body temperature, feeling cold more often, weight gain, exertional fatigue (you get more tired than you should working out), dry skin, brittle hair, and hair loss.

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9y ago

The side effects of removing the thyroid are typically a horse, dry throat. Sometimes the voice might sound weak or strained, and in some cases a person's voice might change.

Other side effects of thyroid removal are similar to hypothyroidism. That is why majority of patients that undergo a partial of full thyoidectomy need to go on daily thyroid medication shortly after surgery. Sometimes the parathyroid might get damaged during surgery which might also require a patient to take a calcium supplement.

Make sure to talk with your physicians regarding any questions or concerns you might have about the side effects of having the thyroid removed.

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