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There are so many, many, many uncountable numbers, surely more than 10 millions different specified or classified compounds.

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Q: What is so special about carbon compounds that they devoted a whole branch of chemistry to it?
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Branch of chemistry that deals with compounds containing carbon?

This branch is called organic chemistry.

What is the branch of science concerning the reactions and behavior of carbon compounds?

This is the branch of science called chemistry. Generally the chemistry of carbon compounds is the concern of organic chemistry.

What are organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

Organic ChemistryThe branch of chemistry in which we study the compounds of carbon.Inorganic ChemistryThe study of all elements and their compounds, except compounds of carbon is called inorganic chemistry.

The branch of chemistry that focuses on carbon-containing chemicals is called?

The branch of chemistry that studies carbon compounds is referred to as Organic Chemistry. This branch is also called the study of life.

What does inorganic branch of chemistry study?

If organic chemistry study the chemistry of carbon compounds the inorganic chemistry stydy the remaining part.

What is the name of the branch of chemistry dealing with carbon compounds?

Organic chimistry

Is physical chemistry the composition of matter?

Physical chemistry is a branch of chemistry in which physics has a special contribution.

Describe organic chemistry?

The original definition was the branch of chemistry of compounds that can only be made by living things. Its modern definition is the branch of chemistry of carbon compounds.

What compounds does carbon make?

Roughly half of all the compounds in the universe have carbon as a component. Carbon's willingness to combine justifies its own branch of chemistry: organic chemistry.

Is carbon organic?

Carbon is a non-metallic element, exhibiting several isotopes and allotropes. However, there is a very large branch of Chemistry researching into the chemistry of carbon containing compounds, These compounds are referred to as organic compounds, and organic chemistry.

what is a chemistry?

Inorganic chemistry is the study of chemical compounds without carbon in the molecue (but by tradition several carbon containing compounds are included in the inorganic chemistry).

Enumerate and define the different branches of chemistry?

One branch is organic chemistry, which studies carbon and its compounds. Carbon compounds make up much of the world. Inorganic chemistry, another branch, studies all properties and characteristics of other elements. Analytical chemistry analyzes and identifies substances. Physical chemistry studies the laws and principles governing physical and chemical changes, and biochemistry studies the materials found in living organisms.