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Q: What is some positive effects of explorers contact with first nation peoples?
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What were the effects of the explorers explorations on the native peoples already in the region?

they moved

What are two positive effects of contact between the native Americans and europeans?

The europeans gave the First Nation Peoples diseases they're bodies weren't immune to.

According to the excerpt from Monstrous Peoples at the Ends of the Earth what most likely caused people's concept of the monstrous to change from ancient times to the Renaissance?

The rise in ocean travel allowed explorers to come into contact with peoples who were very different from known societies.

What determined the kinds of relationships that European explorers formed with conquered peoples?

Explorers formed relationships with conquered peoples based on trade, whether the natives were violent, and many other factors.

What effects did exploration have on indigenous peoples?

There were several effects and the seriousness of each depended on local conditions. The indigenous peoples died of diseases brought by explorers to which the had no natural defences, in some cases they were enslaved, and in the case of the Spanish and Portuguese they were converted to Catholicism, they were always subjugated - sometimes very violently, and sometimes they simply ceased to exist as a group or tribe.

Why did the early explorers first come to the Atlantic?

To fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.

What are the effects of floods on peoples lives and the environment?

It distroys peoples lives, familys and friends.

What was the reaction from the locals after the arrival of Spanish explorers?

Initially the conquistadors were welcomed by the indigenous peoples of South America, some of whom seem to have regarded the Europeans as gods, while others seemed genuinely curious about these strange new visitors to their land. But gradually, the positive attitude changed, especially when the explorers began imposing their religion and their culture on the native populations, in both North America (Mexico) and South America; and it further changed when the explorers brought diseases such as smallpox that killed millions of people. In fairness, the conquistadors probably believed they were doing God's will by converting the natives, and by claiming their land for Spain or Portugal; and they probably did not consider how their presence might cause negative, rather than positive, effects.

How does music affect peoples emotions?

There are numerous studies that have performed to show the effects of music on people. It has been proven that music links to memories which can either product positive or negative emotions to that person.

Why do I get sick on hard boiled eggs?

In this whole world each and every thing has its effects in all positive and negative methods so same the has its also effects where its effects has hot and some stomachs could not bear its heat and so maximum peoples could not resperate in their stomachs ,,,, so this the logic in actual,,, regards

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vasco da gamma

Who served as a contact between the native peoples and the English?
