

What is sulfur precipitation?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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A sulfur percipitator extracts sulfur from the air, they can be found in places such as chimneys.

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it is a peice of solar symstum in the atmosephore like precipitation is rain ?

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Acid precipitation can be traced back to?

Sulfur and nitrogen

What is the other substance in the air that combines with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide to form acid precipitation?

Carbon combines with sulfur and nitrogen in order to form acid precipitation.

What is the leading pollutant that causes acid precipitation?

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Is damaging type of precipitation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen called acid precipitation?

Yes, that is acid precipitation, but it is more usually called acid rain.

What damaging type of precipitation cause by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen?

Acid Rain

What contributes most acid precipitation?

The burning of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to acid precipitation. It is caused by sulfur and nitrogen reaction with the atmosphere.

What is the term for damaging precipitation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen?

Acid rain is the term for damaging preciptation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

Damaging type of precipitation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen?

It is called,"Acid Rain".

Acid precipitation is caused by a mix of?

Acid precipitation is caused by chemical reaction of compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air.

Could or precipitation containing pollutants such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen to make them have a lower pH?

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Precipitation with a low pH that results from sulfur emissions reacting with water is commonly called?

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What is the chemical formula for sublimed sulfur?

Sublimed sulfur is often called flowers of sulfur. This is cyclic ring, S8 allotrope. Note that the sublimation is not what is normally meant as a transition from solid to gas. This is the precipitation of sulfur vapour in an inert atmosphere- its called sublimation but technially its deposition.