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This would be the lymph nodes. If these begin to become swollen, it can often be a sign of a serious health issue.

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Q: What is swollen fatty tissue under right jaw?
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Fatty tissue is also called as lipomas. Lipomas is a growth of fatty tissue that slowly develops just under your skin. The causes for the fatty tissues are unknown.

What would cause discomfort in stomach and 2 lumps on each side under ribcage?

Fatty tissue,Lipoma

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There are no muscles in breasts, just fatty tissue and mammary ducts. Pectoral(chest) muscles lie under the breasts. Call me

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The skin we see is the epidermis, then the layer just beneath it is the dermis and finally hypodermis. The hypodermis is made up of fatty tissue but it is all technically skin unless you are asking about muscle.

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What if your toe is bleeding under the skin and swollen?

this is a very deadly decease called syticdecimon. it is the uncontrollable swelling of the tissue that causes tumors and eventually bleeds. Seek medical attention immediately.

Your dog has swollen legs and is breathing a bit heavier?

GET IT TO THE VET RIGHT NOW! It may be suffering from a severe allergy or even possibly, cancer (Lymphoma). Check under the neck and see if it's swollen there too.

What could be the cause of a tender or sore lump in your neck under your ear?

If your neck is swollen and under your ears are red and tender, you may have swollen glands. Swollen glands are a result of an enlargement of the lymph nodes.

What is a soft lump under the skin between the neck collar bone?

I have one myself. Mine is a harmless, soft, fatty tumor called a lipoma. If your lump is hard and/or painful see a doctor.

What kind of tissue is a lipoma composed of?

A lipoma is a benign tumor that is composed of adipose (fat) tissue. It is a non-cancerous growth that typically forms just under the skin, although it can also occur in deeper tissues. Lipomas are generally soft to the touch and can vary in size.

Why is my head soft after banging it?

This tissues under the skin are swollen.