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Monkey GOBY (last word fits clue in North of '49 crossword of May 31).

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Q: What is the Black Sea fish now in Lake Erie?
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Does lake Erie have sea glass?

No I took it all

What are five freshwater lakes?

Lake superior, lake Michigan, lake Huron, lake Erie, lake Ontario

What is a major lake?

a mojor lake is a lake like lake Erie, that is large enough to be a sea, but do the the biological life, and the fact that it is fresh water, its a lake there are 5 Remember HOME Heron Oregon Michigian Erie

How far is Lake Erie above sea level?

572 feet

What is the sea called that goes from niagara river?

The Niagara River connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

Where do sea lamprey come from?

they came from lake Erie canal.they came by a school bus

Is there a Lake Erie in Australia?

No, Lake Erie is one of the 5 Great Lakes in the US. Lake Eyre (Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre) is the lowest natural point in Australia, approximately 15 m (49 ft) below sea level.

Why are some lakes called seas?

It is because some lakes are so big you cannot distinguish it as a lake because you will not see the land surrounding the lake, a lake can be considered a sea when it is so large you cannot see the land across it, you will only see the horizon. examples are: Caspian sea, Black Sea etc. and non considered sea lakes ones like lake Michigan, Erie, Ontario etc.

What lake did St. Peter fish in?

He fished in the Sea of Galilee which is actually a large lake and not a sea.

What one lake that is in or near North America?

There is Lake Tahoe, Lake Eerie, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, & many more.

What fish live in the Winnipeg lake?

normal fish such as a sea bass

Is the Black Sea a big lake?

No it is more like a sea