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when use for loop user can assign the value of the variable inside the loop, while checking the condition. but in while loop he has to assign it out side of the loop. like

for loop: for(i=5, n=2; i<=8; i++)

{ n=n+5;


while loop: int i=5, n=2;


{ n=n+5;



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11y ago

For Lopp;

for Lop is Used For The Specific execution of Our Programm or statements

and we Should initialized,condition and Increment and decrement operator should be declare in for body


for (intialization;condition;increment or decrement)

while lop:

The While lop use when we dont Know How many time we want execute the set of statemen or statements and in While Body we put only condition.


while (logical condition)


BS comp AWK university mardan pk

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Q: What is the difference between while and for loop in c programming?
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Both are programming commands. A do/while loop will execute at least once. A while loop may not execute at all.

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Easy: if-else is not a loop; while, for and do-while are loops.if-else just run once, but do-while run many times.

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Well 'while' goes like this: while (condition) statement 'for': for (initialize; condition; after-each-loop) statement

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No difference.

What is a loop type?

A Loop is a programming language construct that instructs the processor to repeat a sequence of operations a number of times until a specific condition is reached. There are different types of loops. They are: * for loop * while loop * do while loop

What is the difference between while loop and for loop in oracle?

You mean PL/SQL? Well, they are different things, read the manual for details.

What is main different between do while and while?

If you want to execute a statement which is in while loop at least one time you can use do- while loop. this is why because initially first statements will be executed then condition will be checked. but in case of while first condition will be check then statements will be executed

What is the definition of 'nested' in C programming?

In C a structure within a structure is called nested. For example, you can embed a while loop in another while loop or for loop in a for loop or an if statement in another if statement.

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UNIX has no bearing on the C language; it is cross-platform. There is no select/case in C, you probably meant switch/case. However, a switch/case is a conditional jump while a nested loop is a loop within a loop. Besides the C language they have nothing in common with each other.

What is the difference between do and while loops in c?

the main difference b/w do and while loops is that do loop will run atleast once even if condition is not satisfied but while loop will not execute even once if condition is not satisfied . this is bcoz in do loop condition is checked after one execution but in while condition is prechecked.