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The Elf on the Shelf is a story book which posits the idea that elves help Santa Claus to know who is naughty and who is nice. The book The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition was written in 2005.

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The Elf on the Shelf tradition involves parents placing a small elf doll in different locations around the house leading up to Christmas. The elf is believed to "report" back to Santa each night on the children's behavior, encouraging good behavior during the holiday season.

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Related questions

What date does the elf on the shelf arrive?

The Elf on the Shelf tradition typically begins in late November or early December, around the time of Advent. Families often start the tradition by introducing the Elf on the Shelf on December 1st.

Who invented elf on the shelf?

Elf on the Shelf was created by Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell. They wrote a children's book about the elf tradition in 2005.

How do you get a elf snowflake for the elf on the shelf?

You can't "get" an elf snowflake for the Elf on the Shelf as it is a fictional character and item. The Elf on the Shelf tradition involves placing the elf in different spots around the house and telling children that the elf reports back to Santa about their behavior.

What happens if you pick your Elf on the Shelf with tongs?

The Elf on the Shelf is a fun holiday tradition where the elf is believed to lose its magic if touched, so picking it up with tongs would in essence be considered touching it. This action may disrupt the magic of the tradition for children who believe in the magic of the elf.

What will kill your elf on the shelf?

There are no guidelines or suggestions for harming or threatening the Elf on the Shelf. It is intended as a fun and lighthearted holiday tradition for families to enjoy together.

My elf is not a Elf on the Shelf it has striped legs and striped arms what kind is it?

Based on the description, your elf may be a different type of elf toy or decoration, not specifically an Elf on the Shelf. It could be a unique or generic elf design with striped legs and arms. These elves can still be used for holiday decorations or fun Christmas traditions like Elf on the Shelf.

Can children touch the store bought elf on the shelf?

Yes, children can touch the store bought Elf on the Shelf. The elf is meant to be touched and interacted with by children as part of the holiday tradition.

What month does your Elf on the Shelf get its powers?

The Elf on the Shelf acquires its magical powers when it is named by a family. Naming the elf is a special part of the tradition and is said to instill the elf with the ability to fly to and from the North Pole each night.

Do elf on the shelf hurt you?

No, elf on the shelf is a fun and harmless holiday tradition where the elf supposedly reports back to Santa each night about children's behavior. It is not meant to hurt anyone physically or emotionally.

Can your elf on a shelf move in the summer?

Yes, your elf on the shelf can move in the summer just like in the winter. The tradition allows for the elf to move each night regardless of the season.

Do the rlf on the elf really alive?

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. Are you asking if the elf on the shelf is really alive? The elf on the shelf is not actually alive; it is a popular holiday tradition where the elf "reports" back to Santa about children's behavior.

Where did elf on the shelf originate?

The Elf on the Shelf originated in the United States with a children's book published in 2005. The book was written by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell, inspired by a family tradition. It has since become a popular Christmas tradition for many families.