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how are the things in your life?

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Q: What is the English translation to como estan las cosas de la vida?
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How do you say Como estan las cosas por alli in English?

"How are things over/in there?" is what it means in English.

What is como estan in english?

Como estan = "how are" or "how are they"

How do you ask how are you in Spanish?

Translation: ¿Como esta? (accent on the first 'o' and the 'a') = How is.../how are you? Como estan... ?(accents as above) = How are (they)...?

What is como estan?

IT CAN BE TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH AS FOLLOWED. how are you, how are you doing?

How do you ask are in spanish?

Translation: ¿Como esta? (accent on the first 'o' and the 'a') = How is.../how are you? Como estan... ?(accents as above) = How are (they)...?

What does como estan abuelos mean in English?

It means How are your grandparents?

How do you translate hello everyone from English to Peru?

Hola, como estan todos

What does y mi Tia y mis primos como estan mean in English?

"and my aunt and my cousins, how are they?"

What does como anda and english?

Translation: How are you?

Como son tus clases?

Translation: How are your classes? Possible reply: Mis clases estan muy bien = My classes are very good.

What does this mean Y como estas?

"y como estas" in English is: "And how are you?"

Si como no translation into English?

Yes, of course