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If you mean the "International E-road network", they're just called E-roads.

If you mean the highway system; it's called different in every country (language). The general word for those roads would be the British 'Motorway', or just 'Highway'.

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Q: What is the European interstate system called?
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What is the National Defense Highway System usually called?

The National Defense Highway System is usually called the Interstate Highway System or the Eisenhower Highway System.

Why is an interstate called that?

An interstate highway is one that runs across the US, normally across several states (hence inter-state). The US Interstate Highway System is the system of federally-built roadways that began construction in the 1950s, originally as a way to improve the flow of essential military material.

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Increased suburbanization is the development that resulted from the construction of the interstate highway system.

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Late 1950s under president Eisenhower. The full name of the system is "The National Defense and Interstate Highway System".

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Dwight Eisenhower was President of the US when the Interstate highway system was formed.

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Is travelling from Brisbane to Sydney called intrastate or interstate?

If they are in the same state, it is intrastate. If they are in separate states, it is called interstate. Since Brisbane and Sydney are in different states, the answer to your question is "interstate".

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The interstate road system is critical for the United States. Interstate commerce is necessary to ensure the free travel of the citizens.