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Q: What is the Gram stain reaction for Paenibacillus?
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What is the gram stain reaction of strep throat?

Streptococcus pyogenes is gram positive bacteria.

What is the different reaction of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria to Gram's stain testing?

Gram-positive bacteria which take up the stain turn purple, while Gram-negative bacteria which do not take up the stain turn red.

What does a gram reaction of a cell refer to?

the Gram reaction is based on the structure of the bacterial cell wall. In Gram-positive bacteria, the dark purple crystal violet stain is retained by the thick layer of peptidoglycan which forms the outer layer of the cell. In Gram-negative bacteria, the thin peptidoglycan layer in the periplasm does not retain the dark stain, and the pink safranin counter stain stains the peptidoglycan layer. In other word,the gram reaction refers to how the cells reacts to the gram-staining process.

What is determined of the Gram Stain?

A gram stain is a cow

Why do all cells stain purple in the flagella stain but not in the gram stain?

The gram stain uses a decolorizing product so it is possible to differentiate between the gram and the gram cells. Gram positive cells stain purple in color.

Theories of principle of gram stain reactions?

Gram stain

What is the gram stain for cholera?

Gram Negative

Can a Gram stain a prion?

Protists are often stained using a silver stain, not a Gram stain.

What is the gram stain of H5N1?

The Gram stain is used for bacteria and not for viruses.

What is gram stain reaction for Borrelia Burgdoferi?

when stained with Gram stain Borrelia take up the counter stain which is carbol fuchsin or safranin and they appear as Gram negative spiral rods in gram film. In order to stain them the time required for staining them is little bit more as compared to normal gram staining. The initial steps are the same but once you apply the counter stain leave it for a while may be 5-10 mins depending upon the strength of counter stain. After washing the slide and drying once can see them on oil immersion lense.

What is the Gram stain for measles?

Bacteria stain either gram-positive or gram-negative based on the presence or absence of a cell wall. Viruses do not pick up a gram stain.

Who invented gram stain?

Hans Christian Gram invented this stain in 1884