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Latitude and Longitude

Latitude is the lines that go from east to west, and longitude from north to south.

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7y ago

The imaginary parallel lines that circle the earth are called "Latitudes".

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Q: What is the term for the imaginary parallel lines that circles the earth?
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What is similar between parallel lines and meridian lines?

Meridian lines are halves of imaginary circles joining two diametrically opposite points on a sphere. For the earth the points are the geographical North and South poles. Parallel lines (parallels of latitudes) are a set of imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator - which is the line of points that are equidistant from the poles. These two sets of lines act as a set of coordinates for the surface of the earth.

What is a imaginary north south lines parallel to the prime meridian that circles the globe vertically?

Lines of longitude.

What is the latitudes lines?

Lines of latitude are any of the circles, called parallels, that are to the north or to the south of the equator and parallel to it. They are the lines on standard maps that go from east to west; right-left.It is an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator.

The invisible lines that form east-west circles around earth are called both lines of?

An invisible line that forms east-west circles around the Earth is called both parallel and line of latitude. An imaginary line that circles the earth from north to south is called both meridian and line of longitude.

What are lines of latitutde?

Latitude lines are imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator to fix a position on earth (along with longitude lines which are imaginary lines perpendicular to the equator)

What is parallel of latitudes?

It is a set of imaginary lines on the surface of the Earth which parallel to the equator. They go from 90 degrees N, at the North Pole, to 0 degrees at the equator, to 90 deg S at the South Pole.

Can two circles be parallel?

The circles could be in 2 planes that are parallel to each other. Lines and planes can be parallel. Lines of latitude are examples of circles that are in parallel planes.

The equator is an imaginary circle drawn around the earth that divides it into northern and southern hemispheres What are the imaginary lines called that are parallel to the equator?


Does Africa have parallel lines and intersecting lines?

No. The lines on maps are imaginary - they do not exist.

What is the imaginary line around which the earth spins?

There are many imaginary lines circling the Earth. The Equator is one of them that circles the Earth round the middle, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are further north and south and the Arctic and Antarctic circles further north and south again.yea

What is the imaginary line that circles the earth from west to east is?

Latitude and LongitudeLatitude is the lines that go from east to west, and longitude from north to south.

What parallels are not circles?

If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.