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There are many benefits to learning Spanish in the US. The first major one is it means that you will be bi-lingual. Depending on where you live, some places can pay anywhere from $2 to $10 and hour extra for speaking a second language. While $2 doesn't seem like much, that's still another $80 on a paycheck just for learning another language.

There are many cities in the US where learning Spanish is nearly a necessity. There are just so many Spanish speaking people in some cities that not being able to speak it is rather a hindrance and the need to learn it will continue to increase.

Another reason is for colleges. Many colleges require at least two (though some three) years of the same foreign language. Spanish is often a good choice as well as French or German.

If worse comes to worse and you can get no other need then you might understand if some Hispanic says something bad about you, then there's always that advantage as well...

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14y ago
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13y ago

Note that Spanish is the most widley spoken romance language in the world. It is spoken by hundreds of millions of people. They speak it because their anscestors adopted it and passed it down. Spanish spread very widely because, at one time, the Spanish empire was very powerful. Ask yourself why so many people in the world speak English. Very much of it has to do with the US being a superpower and the Brittish Empire

None of the above answers the question. They should speak Spanish because they can speak Spanish. It is better to speak 2 languages than 1, and it is better to speak 3 languages than 2. For this very same reason, however, instead of insisting that the US cater to them and adopt a second language, they slould learn English. Push 1 for English, push 2 for Spanish is not a suitable sustitute.

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12y ago

it is beneficial for you to know Spanish because it can help you spy on spanish troop serving your country, it is also good to learn a second(or etc.) to improve your language skills and it will help you contact somebody who started to learn English and is spanish.

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14y ago

I believe its good to know Spanish because its a better opportunity for jobs.

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11y ago

why is spanish calls is important for high school

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13y ago

usually people learn because it would give you an advantage in your region. Without knowing where that is, we can't determine if there is any.

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12y ago

more job opportunities , meet new people , expand your culture , your in a tough situation and theres only a mexican around ,look smart (:

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10y ago
  • Learning Spanish is so important because, Spanish is the second language of the USA.
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