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Maori culture is the culture of the Maori, the native people of New Zealand. Maori is one of the two seperate cultures that make-up new Zealand society ( the other is Pakeha, a multi-culture made up of all the different cultures that have settled in New Zealand since it was discovered by Europeans). Maori culture is a Polynesian culture that evolved very rapidly and dynamically from the culture of the Polynesians that first discovered the New Zealand into a culture that is very unique. Maori is a tribally based culture that places great importance on: tribal and family links; recognition of ancestors; highly stylised art forms such as tattooing and woodcarving; cultural expressions such as language, song and dance; protecting the natural environment, and preserving the unique cultural identity.

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13y ago

The Maori culture is a distinctive culture and one of the two cultures (Maori and Pakeha) that make up the nation of New Zealand . With the growth of tourism and the notable exposure of the All Black haka to International audiences, Maori culture that was previously observed only in a Maori society and social gatherings with significant Maori aspect, is increasingly seen as fundamental to the New Zealand culture as a whole and as part of one nation.

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they used all kinds of spears and traps to capture different types of prey. try looking into 'maori culture' sites, books for more info. hope this helped

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Did the Maoris come from Asia?

yes, they did

Where do the Maoris live?

New zealand.